3 minuto(s) de lectura

Some months ago, the organization of the amazing conference BilboStack made the mistake of inviting me to talk to the 2024 edition 😆

I decided to talk about Continuous Deployment… as a Trojan horse in order to talk about many other topics related with software and product development (probably too many indeed! 😅)

Last Saturday, 27th January 2024, I finally gave it: “Valor por encima de código: el poder del Despliegue Continuo”, which might be translated to English as “Value over Code: the power of Continuous Deployment”.

Here I would like to share the slides and some of the people and resources included in the talk (and if you spot any link not working properly, please tell me 🙏).

Also, I have answered in another post all the questions sent during the talk (in Spanish).

Oh, and one last thing: I have included 3 extra slides that didn’t appear during the talk… if you attended, you can try to spot them! 😜

[Spanish] Si quienes asististeis a la charla me pudierais dar feedback (de mejora y positivo, cuanto más concreto mejor), os agradecería ENORMEMENTE si pudierais invertir 2 minutos (de reloj) en rellenar este formulario ¡¡GRACIAS!! 🙏🙏🙏


Real life examples of Continuous Deployment pipelines

I’ve been “lucky” enough to experience several teams and companies where we grew Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment pipelines. Here I would like to share two specific examples:

Diagram with a Continuous Deployment pipeline

Diagram with a Continuous Deployment pipeline

Other resources


Continuous Integration, Delivery and Deployment

Lean and Flow

Parallel changes

Workshops about parallel changes

Canary releases and Blue-green deployment

Trunk-Based Development

Branching, Pull requests and blocking code reviews

(Vertical) Slicing

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